
Still behind…

I just can’t seem to catch up! I am determined, however, not to have to restart this project…again! I see light ahead though; soon I should be able to get back to a less demanding work schedule and a more open shooting schedule! Looking forward to that… Here are some choice selections from the last week, hope you guys like them!


Catch up time…

Always behind on something it seems… Just not enough hours in the day. Anyhow, here’s some photos I’ve been taking but not posting. Feels like that is the hardest thing to find time for! Hope you like them, thanks for your understanding…


Eight and Nine

Alright kids, I went out yesterday and played a round at my favorite course; the Woods course at Kingsmill! It was windy, but I had the place mostly to myself. I really like that this course works so well with Nature, it feels like it was just nudged from the forest instead of carved out. You owe it to yourself to check this gem out… just not on Mondays…lol! ( my day off! )

The other photo is of Ireland village; afternoon sun, flowers….umm…so right!



Five, Six, and Seven!

I apologize to those of you who don’t like flower photos! As I have said before, Mother Nature astounds me… Has there ever been a greater or more polific artist seen? I think not! So my homage to the beauty found this time of year continues with these three photos. They represent days 5, 6, and 7.


Time. . . . .

It’s an amazing thing, time. In an instant, it can be inflexible as adamantium and other times, as malleable as silly putty! It’s a constant that can’t be fixed, a variable that is a constant. Sometimes I feel that I haven’t got enough hours in the day and other times; it seems interminal. The last couple of weeks, it has definately been the former! So, here is my attempt to capture time before it gets away again!



With Springs arrival, beautiful flowers are appearing everywhere I look! I love looking at nature in a different way, getting a glimpse of life from a different angle. Looking at this pansy from 5 foot something yields a completely different view than seeing the same flower from ground level and inches away!



Spring vies with Winter! Cool ground..humid, warm air…FOG! The light is so muted and things seem hushed in the misty air. Likes clouds too close to the earth.Seen in that light, everyday items become ghostly and mysterious.. Here, Alpengeist rises with Griffon swimming in through the haze…



Ok, so … technically, this is cheating a little bit. But, you’ll indulge me I hope! This is from a golf day with my buddie Jim. I submitted this one as my unit one photo project for my photography class. I love the stop motion of the fast shutter speed; looks good doesn’t it?!


Let’s Begin Again!

Spring comes every year and with it the Earth is reborn. All that lay dormant throughout the silent chill of Winter reaches for the warmth of the Sun. Hope springs eternal in tune with the seasons. As life is a process, so to is this project. I have grown so much since I started and still feel that I have so much more to learn. I hope those of you who watched for my posts before will forgive my lapse and still follow me as I move forward. Thank you for that!



Well, as you might have noticed, I have been away for a little bit. Ten hour days and knee replacement surgery for my sweetheart have conspired against me! I took lots of photographs, but never could find the time to post them. I wouldn’t feel right in posting all of them as a two week compilation just to “catch up”. Life has many lessons to teach us; not the least is patience and humility. As the philosipher said… “A journey of a tousand miles begins with one step”; here I go… again…